PROP_DESIGN utilizes a new type of propeller theory that I created in January of 2020. PROP_DESIGN is unproven. It is up to the user to verify his or her designs. To do this, I recommend comparing the results you obtain with PROP_DESIGN against test data that you collect.


Last Updated On; 04/18/24

Development Status; If any at all, future updates will be minor. Basically, after 15 years of continuous improvement, I'm done working on the project.


Below is a list of the most recent changes.


04/18/24 Update 2:

  • Updated the 'Circulation' and 'PROP_DESIGN Theory' notes pages. They both became out of date, as the code changed

04/18/24 Update 1:

  • Fixed a bug related to three variables missing their array designation. This bug was introduced within the last few weeks
  • The last update broke many of the plots in the XYZ folder. I fixed that today
  • More code refactoring


  • Bug fixes and code refactoring
  • Added more dimension checks
  • Output dimension checks in units of mm and degrees
  • Added a note page, regarding the dimension check tolerance units
  • Updated some of the XYZ output files



This update is listed as 04/12/24 in the source code, as that is the date I started working on it. It took much longer than expected, as I had to track down a bunch of bugs that the code refactoring caused.

  • Code refactoring, to make internal variables more clear
  • Fixed bugs that the code refactoring caused
  • Improved PROP_DESIGN_XYZ output information and plots
  • Removed three undocumented codes that included a feature from PROPSY. I had deprecated that feature a long time ago and only left it in these three codes. It's really hard to debug that feature and the results have always seemed suspect to me. Moreover, the entire concept it's based on is questionable. That's why I ended up creating my own solving method
  • Updated the documentation, to match today's changes
  • Updated the user manual title page image

04/11/24 Update 2:

  • Fixed an issue with the painted tips cut plane location. It should now be consistent, regardless of chord distribution choice. This only applies to XYZ
  • Fixed an issue with OPT and STATORS. When I switched to STATUS = 'REPLACE', recently, it broke a feature of OPT and STATORS. Moreover, both programs were designed to store all of the example files. This feature is now working again

04/11/24 Update 1:

  • Renamed some of the XYZ points files, to make it clear that they are optional

04/10/24 Update 2:

  • Changed some internal variable names, to make them more clear
  • Improved the XYZ dimension checks output file, to facilitate plotting
  • Added a new plot, to the XYZ folder, for the dimension checks
  • Renamed a plot in the XYZ folder
  • Updated the user manual, to account for today's changes

04/10/24 Update 1:

  • Completely automated the checking of critical dimensions. This saves a huge amount of CAD work. This feature only applies to XYZ
  • Made a few improvements to the output of XYZ
  • Added a plot to the XYZ folder
  • Made a slight change to the invalid geometry check for BETANZ. The way I had it coded conflicted with the default options I use for partially twisted blades. This change applies to all codes


  • Made a few more changes to XYZ output files. This was to make it easier for new users to identify the critical dimensions, reference dimensions, and reference info
  • Added a missing boundary condition for BETAPHIZ
  • Removed BETAPHIZ from codes that do not need that variable

04/08/24 Update 2:

  • Updated more of the XYZ output file names

04/08/24 Update 1:

  • Removed a feature from XYZ. The feature let you plot the blades from the axis of rotation or the hub end point. Now, the code always plots the blades from the axis of rotation. This is how it originally functioned. Removing this feature makes it easier to create CAD models
  • Made numerous changes to XYZ output files and plots. These changes were made to make it easier to create and check CAD models. Moreover, there was a lot of debugging information output. It was no longer needed. By removing unnecessary information, it's easier to see what's important
  • Added a new output file to XYZ. The file makes it much easier to orient the airfoils along the blade
  • Updated the source code notes
  • Updated the user manual


  • It looks like I did some code refactoring, a long time ago, that broke the constant speed functionality. Today, I fixed that bug. I had replaced all ATAN function calls with ATAN2. However, I failed to notice that one of the calls had a negative sign attached. So the original code was -ATAN and I had replaced it with ATAN2. I should have replaced it with -ATAN2
  • Switched from STATUS = 'UNKOWN' to STATUS = 'REPLACE'. This isn't a Fortran 77 feature, however, it provides useful functionality. Moreover, with STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' you could end up with old files, when a run fails. So you could get confused and think the old results are current. This won't happen with STATUS = 'REPLACE'

04/04/24 Update 2:

  • Made some changes to ANALYSIS, ANALYSIS_MESH_TEST_TWO, OPT, and STATORS. These were brought on by the changes from earlier today. I removed all *.xyz files from the OPT and STATORS folders. I renamed many of the *.xyz files in the ANALYSIS and ANALYSIS_MESH_TEST_TWO folders, to indicate that they are for debugging. I changed some of the *.xyz files to *.dat files, in the ANALYSIS and ANALYSIS_MESH_TEST_TWO folders. The reason for all of these changes is I didn't want to create *.csv and *.asc files, in these instances. It isn't warranted and would balloon the amount of files in the folders. The only time *.csv or *.asc files are needed is for when any given CAD program can't import *.xyz files. The *.xyz files, created by PROP_DESIGN_XYZ, are the only critical *.xyz files. They are needed to create the propeller geometry in CAD. All other *.xyz files are for debugging purposes. *.dat files are for gnuplot and formatted to make it easy for humans to view them. All *.xyz, *.csv, and *.asc files are formatted to satisfy various CAD programs
  • Some of the formatting changes, from earlier today, got applied to places they shouldn't have. This happened by accident, because I used search and replace. I just noticed the issue and corrected it. The accidental formatting changes didn't cause any issues. However, they weren't what I intended

04/04/24 Update 1:

  • Updated the formatting for all *.xyz files. This was done to allow eliminate issues with certain CAD programs
  • Added *.asc files to PROP_DESIGN_XYZ. This was to allow FreeCAD to import the PROP_DESIGN point files. The *.asc files are exactly the same as the *.xyz files. The only difference is the file extension
  • Did some code refactoring on PROP_DESIGN_XYZ. This was done to make it a little easier to add new file formats. I also improved some of the PROP_DESIGN_XYZ source code notes
  • Updated the user manual, to reflect today's changes
  • Recently, I activated text wrapping, in all 'Command Prompt' and 'Intel Fortran' windows. This allowed you to more easily see long compiler strings. Unfortunately, it also messes up the screen output for certain PROP_DESIGN codes. Thus, I deactivated text wrapping


  • All 'Command Prompt' and 'Intel Fortran' windows are now set to wrap text
  • Added an additional compiler option to all c.bat files
  • Recompiled all *.exe files

03/18/24 Update 2:

  • I did more compiler testing and I don't see any harm in doing the change mentioned earlier today. Therefore, I went ahead and implemented  it. Moreover, the latest upload no longer uses auto-vectorization and fuse multiply add (fma). Removing fma should greatly increase the amount of x86 processors that the codes can run on. This was always my highest priority. It simply never occurred to me that I introduced that limitation, until today. The performance difference for both of these features is too small for me to accurately capture. As always, you can get a little more performance, if you tune the c.bat files for your specific processor and recompile the codes
  • Recompiled all *.exe files

03/18/24 Update 1:

  • I updated all of the c.bat files and recompiled all of the codes. They may run slightly faster now. While working on this, it occurred to me that not all x86 processors have fused multiply add (fma) functionality. I currently have that turned on. It only provides a slight boost in performance. However, it will exclude a fair amount of processors. In the future, I may turn off fma functionality. If you find that you can't run the codes, this could be the reason why. To fix the problem, you would just deleted the /Qfma option from all of the c.bat files and recompile the codes. This would require you to have Intel Fortran installed


  • Very minor updates to some of the documentation


  • Added a new PROP_DESIGN logo to the user manual and overview documents. I created the logo for some of the website renderings
  • Updated the other LibreOffice Writer documents, in the documentation folder, so they all have the same page style now

01/01/24 (Happy New Year):

  • Tried to improve the 'PROP_DESIGN Geometry' notes page. Previously, when you zoomed in, the pictures were blurry. I was able to fix that problem. However, Mathcad is really bad at dealing with pictures. Now, the pictures are not readable at the default zoom range. So I can't really win. I think it's better now though. Being able to zoom in is helpful. If you find that an image isn't viewable, try changing the zoom percentage
  • Fixed an error on the 'Flow Angles' picture. There was an angle labeled 'theta' that should have been labeled 'theta 1'. The sketch is in the plane that the airfoil operates in. Which is the nz plane. I made that clear now. Angle theta is in the phi-z plane. So it doesn't apply to this particular sketch
  • Reorganized the 'Documentation' folder. Now, there are subfolders, whenever pictures are present
  • Updated more of the website images (I think I'm done with that)


  • Minor improvements to the 'Airfoil Interaction Study' documentation
  • Updated more of the website images

12/24/23 (Merry Christmas):

  • Updated most of the website renderings to 1920x1080px
  • Updated the *.gif files, on the 'Concepts' page
  • Very minor updates to the documentation